House packing tips: Don’t forget the outdoors

When we’re packing our house for a move, we tend to give more consideration to what we have inside it. As we have a climate that favours an outdoor lifestyle, most people have outdoor furniture, a barbeque and other items. We need to give as much thought to packing these up as our other belongings. If they end up being an afterthought and get packed in a rush, they risk getting damaged in the move. Here are some house packing tips for your outdoor gear.

1. Take time to clean everything

Your outdoor gear will go in the same truck as your indoor gear, so it’s important to give everything a thorough clean. You don’t want dirt, dust or any unwanted stowaways spreading throughout the truck. Clean down all the surfaces of your furniture and brush and vacuum any soft furnishings. Clean your barbeque, removing any grease and ashes according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

2. Pack with the same care as your indoor items

Once everything is clean, you’re ready to pack. If you can disassemble any items to make them easier to move, make sure you put all the hardware into separate bags and label them for reassembly. It’s often a smart move to tape the bag of hardware to the item it belongs to, so you don’t have to remember where you put it.

Remove all cushions and pads from your furniture and wrap them in moving blankets the same way you would wrap indoor furniture. Pack your pads and cushions into boxes and label them. Fold up deck chairs and secure them in position. Remember, anything that can move around in the truck, probably will move around in the truck.

3. Your beloved barbeque

Make sure the removable parts of your barbeque are secure, or remove them and pack them separately. Cast iron grills are heavy and can cause a lot of damage. Detach the gas bottle.

You’ll need to talk to your moving company about transporting any gas bottles or similar items containing flammable substances. They may be on the prohibited items list, as most professional movers won’t carry anything combustible for safety reasons. If this is the case, you’ll have to be prepared to transport them yourself or leave them behind for the new owners.

4. Special items

Make sure you talk to your moving company if you have any special or oversize items, such as a portable spa pool or outdoor equipment for your kids. Drain and dry the spa pool and consult your owner’s manual for any recommendations about moving it. Disassemble any trampolines or other equipment so they’re easier to move.

As always, if we can be of any assistance or you need more advice about moving, please give us a call.