Moving during lockdown

We all know the lockdown measures that were put into effect on March 25th have put a dent in our plans, including moving house for many. Moving services vary from state to state depending on local restrictions, so if you need more information about what services are available, contact your local branch. For the rest of us staying put in our homes, here’s a different look at moving during lockdown.

Keep moving during lockdown

Keep up your regular exercise routine (or maybe start a new exercise routine). Exercise is great for your overall sense of well-being, especially at times when we may feel anxious or under pressure. It’s important to keep up your daily walk, run or whatever you do to keep fit. Get the kids outside for a good run around and some fresh air. This helps to keep everyone sane. If you have some spare time on your hands, why not set yourself a challenge and use the opportunity to become fitter and healthier?

We’ve been moved

Firstly we want to say how moved we’ve been by the courage and determination of our front line workers. Everyone who is helping to keep us safe, well and fed is doing a great job and it doesn’t go unnoticed or unappreciated. We’d especially like to acknowledge the fine work being done by all medical workers during this time. You’re all heroes.

We’ve also been moved by the wave of kindness that has swept the nation. There have been great acts of generosity, but also countless examples of random and anonymous acts of kindness. People have been making up food parcels for the elderly, or walking their dogs, leaving thank you notes for supermarket workers, or writing letters of support to health workers. Those small acts of kindness mean so much. Why don’t we carry on being kind after we’ve beaten this virus?

Finally, we want to acknowledge and thank every Australian who has closely observed the rules of social distancing and self-isolation to stop the virus from spreading. Every person who has done this is helping our great country to get back to normal as soon as possible.

Finally a moving quote

“Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.”
The 14th Dalai Lama

If you need a different kind of moving quote, our sales team are still working hard to provide moving quotes for all of our usual services.