Moving tips: what we can’t move for you

One of the most important moving tips is the often overlooked list of items we can’t move for you. Why is this so important? Well, there’s a lot to do on moving day, so you won’t want a pile of extra items you have to find some way to move or the extra hassle of getting them into a movable condition. Here is the all important list and some tips about how to get these items ready for your moving company, so you don’t have unexpected problems on moving day.

1. Dangerous and hazardous chemicals

For safety reasons, we can’t move certain poisonous liquids or chemicals, or explosive, corrosive or flammable items. This includes chemicals which can interact with each other. One example is bleach and ammonia, which when mixed create a deadly gas.

Here is the full list:

  • Cleaning solvents including nail polish remover
  • Ammonia
  • Firelighters
  • Kerosene
  • Pool chemicals
  • Methylated spirits
  • Petrol and diesel
  • Turpentine
  • Cooking oils                       
  • Liquid chlorine              
  • Bleach                                 
  • Weedkillers                                                
  • Photographic chemicals

Carrying these items yourself is also very dangerous. You should find a safe way to dispose of all the items and simply replace them as necessary when you get to your new home.

2. Firearms and ammunition

We can only move your firearms if you hold an up-to-date and appropriate licence to own them. Every weapon must also be unloaded and put into an inoperable state. We cannot move ammunition or components like gunpowder under any circumstances. You will need to make alternative arrangements if you need to move these items.

3. Gas bottles 

Any gas cylinders you may own, such as for your barbecue, cannot be moved unless you have a certificate from a gas testing station to prove it’s empty. Never purge your gas cylinder yourself. Gas is heavier than air, so it ‘sits’ where you release it creating a very dangerous and highly probable risk of causing an explosion.

4. Petrol power tools

Any petrol power tools such as lawnmowers, chainsaws and gardening tools must have the petrol and oil drained from the tanks before we can move them for you. If you’re putting them into storage or moving interstate, you will also need to get every tool thoroughly cleaned.

5. Important documents, heirlooms and precious personal items

While we could actually move these items for you, we prefer not to carry them. These items are difficult to replace or may be altogether irreplaceable. We recommend you carry them with you personally on moving day.

6. Perishable food

It’s safe to move any food that is dried, canned or in a sealed packet. We cannot carry any perishable food in our vehicles or put them into storage if you need it as part of your move. We also recommend that you use up or dispose of anything stored in glass jars as there is a risk of leaks or cracks developing while in transit.

Moving food is counterproductive anyway, as paying to have it packed and moved is an unnecessary additional cost. You should always use up as much food as you can when you know you’re moving and not replace it unless it’s essential. Simply go grocery shopping when you get to your new home or organise to get your groceries delivered.

7. Washing machines

Yes, your humble washing machine needs to be properly prepared from removal or we cannot take it for you. You will need to consult the manufacturer’s guide to find out what you need to do to prepare it, or call us for help and advice.

8. Other prohibited items

  • Pets. If you aren’t taking your pets yourself, we can’t carry them in our vehicles. However, we do provide pet transport services, so ask us about it when you book your move.
  • Plants. Rules vary in each state, so talk to us about this before you move. If you’re moving to Tasmania or Western Australia, you’ll need certificates to move any plants.
  • Any prohibited or illegal dangerous goods.
  • Fire extinguishers, aerosol cans or any other pressurised product.

If you’re in any doubt about what you can or can’t get moved, contact us well before moving day. We’re always happy to provide help and advice.