Five Packing and moving mistakes (and how to avoid them)

No matter if you’re moving down the street or to another country or state, every move requires packing and moving your household, loading it into a vehicle, transporting it, and doing the same again in reverse. It’s a process that takes time, effort and money. Even if you’ve given yourself plenty of time to prepare, there are pitfalls for the unwary that come with a hefty price tag. Here are five common packing and moving mistakes and how to avoid them.

1. Hoarding (or not downsizing)

Packing and moving is a great opportunity to declutter your household and make a fresh start. You can save yourself time, effort and money by going through the simple process of deciding what you need to keep, what you can throw away, or what you can donate to charity.

Hoarders do themselves a big disservice by skipping this process. Moving costs are based on the volume of possessions and time to transport them over distance. If you’re paying to move items you don’t need, you’re burning a hole in your pocket.

2. Not using a checklist

There’s a reason we have a comprehensive checklist on our website: every move goes better if you use it. Every move comes with a huge list of important items that need to be done so you don’t arrive at your new house stressed out and exhausted.

Using a checklist allows you to prioritise tasks, get them done in a timely manner, and prevents tasks from slipping through the cracks. Something as simple as not phoning your power company can mean you arrive at your new home in the dark.

Checklists also provide a sense of accomplishment and progress as you tick off each item. For your mental well-being, this is a great way to reduce moving stress.

3. Packing at the last minute

Nobody enjoys packing up their home. It’s hard work, takes time and leaves you feeling in limbo. This is why many people leave it to the last minute. But that’s a recipe for stress, poorly packed items, and a long, exhausting job in a short space of time.

If you’re doing your own packing, start as soon as you know you’re moving. Make getting your packing materials a priority. Declutter and downsize, and start packing any items you won’t need, or can do without, until you reach your new home. Ahead of moving day, you should be down to essentials and have very little packing still to do.

If you really dislike packing, hire us to do it for you. It doesn’t cost as much as you might think and saves you time, effort and stress.

4. Moving alone

One of the worst mistakes you can make is trying to do everything yourself. It places undue pressure and stress on you at a time when you could damage or break your possessions, or injure yourself. Some large objects may not be heavy, but they still require two people to lift and move them safely. Ask for help. If you don’t have friends or family who can help, hire professionals.

5. Forgetting to consider your neighbours

This is a mistake many people make ahead of moving day. You need to consider your neighbours at both ends of the move. Make sure you’re not inconveniencing their access when the moving truck arrives. If it does, make arrangements with them ahead of time.

If you avoid these common mistakes, you’ll make your life less stressful on moving day. If we can make it even easier for you, please give us a call.